Sunday, January 30, 2011

Heart Song (DEMO)

So I worked on a song a while back and never really finished it, so here it's fr/ Lindsay Faith's blogspot:

Midnight has fallen, your words had me calling you
Back, wanting you back here with me
Minutes turn to months and I can't fast forward time
Waves of time crash down on me and I can't breathe

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Giving up the Ghost: Katie the Dog :K

Today at 12:52-ish p.m. my childhood friend died. She was 16 years old.
Katie was the best dog we've ever had. Chased all the balls, pulled us on roller blades, went to the beach and dug out (and ate) all the gophers we could ask for.
RIP Katie <3

School: beginning of the end / Baritone-ness

Today was the 2nd day of my 2nd-to-last semester of college. Was quite a day. Began chorale, which is shaping to be a great add...I get to learn how to sing, meet new peeps, and figure out how to perform in a to jam w/ some cool kids (Lucas) and several others whose names escape'd been quite some time since I'd played w/ some competent musicians...I haven't felt that feeling of being "in the zone" as some call it for some time...

Also did a voice check (if you will) of sorts and found out I'm a baritone (which I assume is near the middle btw the tenors and basses). I'm assigned as a bass but have the option (fr/ the instructor) to move to either the baritone or the tenor, as I have the range (close enough) to where the tenors live.
: ]~KL
Should be a fun semester!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

GIF: 1st!

So I was playing around w/ Photoshop Elements and this is the first GIF I made.
It's from the "My Obsession" cover.
: ]~KL

300 is a good number.

It's the name of a perfect game in bowling, a movie, and now the number of subscribers I have...

Monday, January 17, 2011

New Bowling Balls for the Bro and I

So today the 3 men of the house swung by Clem's and purchased 2 bowling balls, and as my father said, he bought his first when he was 18, for ~$69 or $89. My bro and I each bought one ball, with him going with the Brunswick Avalanche Solid while I went w/ the Brunswick Avalanche Black/Electric Green Pearl. 

Knowing we bowl mostly after league finishes on Wednesday nights when the lanes are fairly dry, we went w/ the medium hook and oil pattern balls. Each cost us $120 + tax and drilling. 

While online the prices are considerably lower, we paid the retail price for Clem's expertise, knowledge, etc. 'Twas a new experience for the bro and I, as we had never bought a brand-spankin'-new ball before [(as our balls were always either given to us or bought second hand (thru Craigslist)].

As a result, mi padre gets my reactive ball (which we didn't know was reactive at the time) but was a bit too heavy for me at 14 3/4 lbs. My dad had been throwing his ancient rubber ball that weighs 16lbs.+, and my brother had been throwing the green plastic ball from uncle J. at 16 1/4 lbs.! My new ball is ~14 lbs. and the bro's at 15lbs. Should be quite interesting the first time throwing it out there to see the weight/speed/breaking differences in our new weapons!

We anxiously await our new acquisitions! Pictures coming for suresies!
: ]

How to play Skillet's song "Rebirthing."

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

1st Kip-Up!

Yep, at 4:50 I, Kenneth Lee did my first kip-up.
: ]

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Bowling Notes:

1. Find Mark: 2nd set of dots, 2nd fr/ right.
2. Get ball in: Push thumb in all the way; cup ball so you can see serial #s; index finger up
3. Relax arm, not trying to muscle ball and allowing for a free swing
4. Keep eye on mark
5. Follow through into lane w/ hand behind ball
6. Watch pins explode once ball hits the 1-3 pocket.
7. Hand slaps all around.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

January 1

So it's 1/1/11. Had some dim sum and apple cider for new years. Although I spent new years on the road w/ the family 'cuz we had to drop my sis off at the airport, it wasn't too much of a letdown. Just finished a cover of Hawk Nelson's new single "Crazy Love" which can be viewed below. Super stoked for this new year, which I believe I clarified in an earlier post.
Happy New Year!


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