Saturday, April 10, 2010

Fishing Stories

Just got back fr/ the biggest action we've ever had in the CA aqueducts.
Totals: 6 Catfish [1 a monster (to us)]
4 Stripers (8-10 inch, 13, 13 1/4, and a 16)
The total weights and sizes will be measured tomorrow.

1) We stop by a random ditch and start fishing. We say we're going to leave at 7:00. Bro get's a striper (13 inch) at 10 til 7. Then he goes, "Now we just need to catch a catfish and then we'll know this is a good spot." *Bam* He gets a catfish.
2) Netting the striper off bank: I get a striper, and as he gets to the bank, Jr. tries to net him as he comes off the hook and somehow traps him against the bank. He wasn't a keeper (16"), but still, it was amazing that Jr. netted him. Good net job Jr.!
3) Jr. gets a bite, tries to set the hook, and then thinks he lost him. He doesn't feel any weight on the line. Then he reels in the line and on the end is a (tiny) 8-inch striped bass! That was a pretty funny incident...
4) Finally, at 1:00 a.m. we decide to call it quits. At ~1:20 I have my bad to the aqueduct and am putting stuff away in the car. Jr. is putting his pole away (putting the hook against the pole ring) when we both hear line go out from a reel. I think that it's him putting his pole away and ask him, "Was that you dude?" He replies, "No!"
He later states that since my drag was already set pretty tight that the fish was probably a big one. So, I pick up the rod, set the hook when I feel him there, and start reeling in. At first I didn't feel anything there, but later research suggests that he was swimming toward me with the bait in his mouth.
Anyway, Jr. sees him flash in dad's old-school headlight (that he took to Rainier) and knows he's a big one. He turns out to be 22.25 inches long and weighs 3 lbs. 8oz. Sweet!!!

Definitely going any spare day that we get!

That is all!
Glory 2 God!

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